Fulton County Ohio Infirmary (Poorhouse)

The building was built as a new County Courthouse in Ottokee, Dover Twp., Fulton Co  after the courthouse burned in 1864.  Then the county decided to move the County Seat to Wauseon in Clinton Twp and a new courthouse was built therein 1870.  After 1870 this Ottokee courthouse became the County Infirmary / Poorhouse.  They kept admitting and discharge records and the original books are at the County Records Center:

Fulton County Records Center
152 S. Fulton Street - Admin. Bldg.
Suite 55
Wauseon, OH 43567

Cindy K. Harris, Director
Phone: 419-337-9262
 Fax: 419-337-9297

The Courthouse Annex / Admin. Building is right across the street from the old courthouse with clocktower

The records have also been microfilmed and copies of the film are held by the records center as well as the Fulton
County Genealogical Society library housed at the Fulton Co. Historical Society Museum located at:

Fulton Co. Historical Society Museum
229 Monroe Street
Wauseon, OH 43567
phone: 419-337-7922

The Center for Archival Collections at the Bowling Green St. University library also has a copy of the microfilm:

The Center for Archival Collections
5th Floor, Jerome Library,
BGSU, Bowling Green, Ohio 43403

Phone: 1-419-372-2411

The Fulton Genealogical Society Library and the Archives
also have the following Infirmary /Poorhouse records on microfilm
Fulton County Home/Poorhouse

     1.Annual Financial Reports, 1908-1909, 1911, 1r (#25)
     2.Annual Reports, 1889-1896,1898-1904, 1906, 1908-1912, 1916, 1r (#25)
     3.Applications for Relief, 1874-1937, 3r (#23-25)
     4.Certificates of Admission, 1918-1938, 1r (#113)
     5.Contracts [For Medical, Agricultural, and Architectural Purposes], 1897-1913, 1933,
         1r (#114)
     6.Correspondence, 1874-1939, 1r (#114)
     7.Indenture Records, 1875-1883, 1r (#114)
     8.Minutes, 1874-1912, 4r (#22-23, 53-54)
     9.Miscellaneous Records [Includes Marriage Licenses, Death Certificates, Insurance Policies,
        Pauperism Statistics,
        Relief Payments, Certificates of Admission, Statement of Facts], 1874-1935, 1r (#114)
    10.Pauper Relief Payments, 1874-1935, 2r (#25, 114)
    11.Pauperism Statistics, 1889, 1892, 1902, 1905-1906, 1909-1947, 2r (#25, 114)
    12.Record of Receipts, 1885-1904, 1909-1947, 1r (#114)
    13.Record of Statistics [Includes Monthly Reports, Relief Lists (1891-1905),
          Annual Report (1890), Death Record (1898-1903)
          Pauperism Statistics, Day Books-Financial Statement and Receipts (1894-1954),
           and Patient Account Records] 1876-1954, 2r (#101-102)
    14.Registers 1874-1977, 3r (#23, 53, 105)
    15.Semi-Annual Reports 1891, 1909, 1911-1912, 1916, 1r (#25)

The building was tore down but here is a picture of how it once looked.

next are a couple sample of pages of the records kept: